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Servicios públicos en Jávea

21 de noviembre de 2022 - 12:26

Xàbia cuenta con distintos servicios públicos a nivel estatal, autonómicos y municipales para facilitar un mejor nivel de vida a sus ciudadanos. La localidad cuenta con los siguientes servicios públicos:

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  1. Gillian Breen dice:

    I would like to request that urgent attention be drawn to the lack of tree cutting in specifically Ausias March. There are 4 rows (and an area of 6 rows) consisting of Jacarandi and plain trees. It is now 4 years since they have been cut and they are now a public danger as they obscure ALL street lighting over the length of the Avenue. This is the 3rd year I have asked for attention to this problem and it is now of great concern to me as it feels unsafe to walk out in the evenings as because it is so dark, there are always persons loitering around the parkways between the carriageways sitting on the seating and causing concern to residents. All the trees are so overgrown that it is impossible to see out of the Apartments, across to the park .Over the last year there have been many break ins in the apartments because the trees obscure the apartments to the public. It would appear that there is a major problem with tree cutting in Javea although earlier this year, all of the trees in Avenida Augusta were cut back even though they were not as overgrown as Ausias March, then for some reason tree cutting stopped at the roundabout of Ave. de Furs .
