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Los javienses destacan el servicio de Rehabilitación y Medicina general en el Policlínico San Carlos

05 de mayo de 2016 - 11:16

El Hospital Policlínico San Carlos de Jávea atiende a 2.000 pacientes en cuatro meses, en tan solo las dos especialidades de Rehabilitación y Medicina general. Así pues, se trata de los dos más demandadas respecto a las otras especializaciones del Hospital.

En estos cuatro meses atrás han ido aumentando los pacientes en estas dos especialidades y en las demás, convirtiendose San Carlos en un centro de referencia entre los habitantes de la localidad de Jávea, desde su apertura en 2014.

“La creciente actividad que registran nuestras consultas en esta localidad de casi 28.000 habitantes (INE 2015), demuestran la necesidad real que tenían de contar con asistencia sanitaria cercana y de calidad”, afirman desde el hospital.

Fachada de Policlínico San Carlos

Uno de los motivos por los que San Carlos sigue creciendo, es la proximidad con los pacientes y ciudadanos de Jávea. Ya que antes de su apertura los pacientes debían recorrer grandes distancias para acceder a prestaciones médicas como Rehabilitación o consultas de Medicina Interna, de ahí que ahora, sean estas las especialidades que mayor demanda presentan.

Además de la cercanía, el Centro de Especialidades también ofrece agilidad en la atención clínica como en Medicina General, donde las citas se pueden fijar incluso para el mismo día en que la solicita el paciente o la espera mínima para acceder a Rehabilitación, que no llega a una semana.

“La profesionalidad de nuestro equipo también ha sido determinante a la hora de ganarnos el apoyo de los pacientes de Jávea”, confiesan desde la dirección de San Carlos. También anuncian que están trabajando para retribuir esa confianza depositada con las nuevas especialidades y equipos diagnósticos, para continuar facilitándoles el acceso a la sanidad a todos los usuarios.

El Centro de Especialidades de Policlínico San Carlos en Jávea cuenta con una amplia cobertura de servicios y una gran variedad de compañías aseguradoras de salud y de tráfico, en un cómodo horario de atención de lunes a viernes de 9 a 13:30 horas y de 17 a 20 horas. Para más información, los interesados pueden llamar al 966.470.162, en el horario de atención.

Contacta con Hospital San Carlos Grupo HLA

Calle Nancy, 3-5
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  1. CBLM Holy Family Hospital dice:

    CBLM Holy Family Hospital is an exceptional medical facility unit that is committed to serving high-quality and cost-effective healthcare services. It is strongly driven by international standards and protocols and uplifted by a strong network of renowned professionals. With the aim to paneling the finest medical personnel, CBLM Holy proudly boasts its panel of medical experts having momentous credentials and privileges to their names. The specialties of the hospital are Cosmetic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Hair transplant General surgery, OBS and GYNAE, and Anorectal Surgery, Prostate Surgery, Gallbladder surgery, and Kidney stone surgery among others.

    The Hospital does not leave unexplored aspects when it comes to the provision of high-quality healthcare services and patient’s safety. With the commitment to deliver continuous patient care and exceptional treatment for a common illness, the hospital has implemented world-class technology and adopted global best practices.
    With an exceptionally knowledgeable staff including the doctors and nurses, CBLM Holy bestows the patients with safe and result-driven solutions for several health concerns. The expert and well-equipped team of doctors ensure that every operation is performed with utmost perfection and any worry of the negative aftermath is eliminated. Alongside, the hospital considers women wellness as an important priority while working together to bring every medical speciality to achieve the goal.
    The medical professionals at the hospitals precisely analyse and ensure the best solutions for every concern of the patients. Moreover, with the latest technology and adherence to the global protocols and standards drives it to be the best healthcare facility.

  2. CBLM Holy Family Hospital dice:

    CBLM Holy Family Hospital is an exceptional medical facility unit that is committed to serving high-quality and cost-effective healthcare services. It is strongly driven by international standards and protocols and uplifted by a strong network of renowned professionals. With the aim to paneling the finest medical personnel, CBLM Holy proudly boasts its panel of medical experts having momentous credentials and privileges to their names. The specialties of the hospital are Cosmetic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Hair transplant General surgery, OBS and GYNAE, and Anorectal Surgery, Prostate Surgery, Gallbladder surgery, and Kidney stone surgery among others. The Hospital does not leave unexplored aspects when it comes to the provision of high-quality healthcare services and patient’s safety. With the commitment to deliver continuous patient care and exceptional treatment for a common illness, the hospital has implemented world-class technology and adopted global best practices.
    With an exceptionally knowledgeable staff including the doctors and nurses, CBLM Holy bestows the patients with safe and result-driven solutions for several health concerns. The expert and well-equipped team of doctors ensure that every operation is performed with utmost perfection and any worry of the negative aftermath is eliminated. Alongside, the hospital considers women wellness as an important priority while working together to bring every medical specialty to achieve the goal. The medical professionals at the hospitals precisely analyze and ensure the best solutions for every concern of the patients. Moreover, with the latest technology and adherence to the global protocols and standards drives it to be the best healthcare facility.»
